
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Tour of Gold Creek

I’m one of those responsible adults who drives below the speed limit at night, and takes it slow whenever there is inclement weather or ice on the roads. Regardless of the time of day or weather, I also drive ridiculously slow on Gold Creek Loop Road. With all the curves and the cliffs of insanity dropping off into the river, going fast feels — stupid.
I had no idea what the real speed limit was on Gold Creek Loop Road until I read about it in the Methow Valley News. It pays to read the paper, you learn something new every day — or at least every Wednesday and Thursday, depending on your mode of news delivery.
Gold Creek Loop is fabulously scenic. The road follows a large bend in the Methow River. Eagles perch in trees above deep eddies waiting for their silvery meal to appear. The depth of the river reflects back varying hues of light — sparkling clear over rocky shallows, and ultramarine blues from the deep pools. If you need a good excuse to enjoy this diversion along Highway 153, let me provide this useful guide, from north to south, starting on the north end of the loop, just 3 miles south of Carlton:
Walker Windmill Farm — Playful goats romp about fields that surround English-style gardens. Shaggy white Great Perigees dogs stand guard, occasionally chasing predatory birds that swoop in low, talons outstretched towards a baby goat. Gary and Patty Walker are the creative artists and owners of Walker Windmill Farm. They start everything by seed in their hothouse and the soil is nourished with organic compost generated on site. No chemicals are used — pest control is managed by a flock of Guinea hens. This is the one of the healthiest, most beautiful gardens I have ever seen.
Gold Creek Trading Post — To be honest, I don’t know if this was a trading post or not. The owner once told me it might have been a hotel or trading post for the area. It certainly looks like a hotel from a different era. The two-story, white clapboard private home is dwarfed by shady willow trees and large lilac bushes. In front is a large field with a baseball diamond. I’ve often imagined this place as a community center for families of miners on Gold Creek, or the young men from the CCC camp up the road. If anyone knows the history of this two-story white home, give me a call, I’d love to know more about this important- looking place.
The Cliffs of Insanity — Methow’s own perilous rock face overhanging a raging river. Below is a secretly good fishing spot.
Blind Corners — seriously, go super slow. The number of near-miss, head-on collisions around these turns are enough to make your hair curl … or straighten curly hair.
Gold Creek Schoolhouse — Johnnie Duguay shared the goriest ghost story about the schoolhouse. Further up the road at one of the mines, a worker waited for his friend to give him a promised ride home. When the friend failed to appear, the miner struck out on foot and found his friend at the schoolhouse. The long walk did nothing to cool the miner’s heels, as he murdered his no-show friend on the spot.
The Swimming Hole — A shady beach slopes gently down into a pool. The river is deep enough to swim across, beware of fast currents during high water season.
Just a few yards after the swimming hole, Gold Creek Loop Road returns to Highway 153. I hope you’ve enjoyed this side road, and take it slow.

Act of Resistance: Oppose Tom Price for HHS

Trump’s pick for Health and Human Services Secretary is Tom Price, an orthopedic surgeon and representative from Georgia. Although at first glance, Mr. Price appears to be a good pick, with experience in both the medical and political fields, his past record is of concern to many. Here are my reasons for opposing Tom Price:

  • Wants to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, but provides no replacement plan
  • Has voted against lower drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries
  • Opposes abortion rights


To view who has been confirmed, and who is up for consideration, use this helpful interactive link from the New York Times:

Contact Information
Directory of US Senate Representatives:
Directory of US House Representatives:

Washington State:
Senator Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441, (509) 353-2507
Senator Patty Murray (202) 224-2621, (509) 624-9515
(District 4) Representative Dan Newhouse 202-225-5816, (509) 713-7374

Transcript for phone:
Hello, my name is ______, I am a constituent from (town, state, zip code). I am opposed to Tom Price, nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Act of Resistance: Oppose Steve Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary Pick

To view who has been confirmed, and who is up for consideration, use this helpful interactive link from the New York Times:

Trump’s pick to head the Treasury Department is Steven Mnuchin.

Here are my reasons for opposing Steven Mnuchin Treasury Secretary:

  • Cheats on his own taxes. Mnuchin is the director of Dune Capital International, an offshore tax haven.
  • REALLY cheated on his own taxes. In recent Senate hearings, Mnuchin failed to disclose nearly $100 MILLION dollars in assets.
  • Former Goldman Sachs partner and hedge fund manager – key players in the 2007-2008 mortage crisis
  • Foreclosed on tens of thousands of elderly homeowners in California by purchasing their mortages, took over $1.9 BILLION dollars out of the loans, sent out foreclosure notices, and then sold the company. For this, he is called the, “Foreclosure King”


Contact Information
Directory of US Senate Representatives:
Directory of US House Representatives:

Washington State:
Senator Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441, (509) 353-2507
Senator Patty Murray (202) 224-2621, (509) 624-9515
(District 4) Representative Dan Newhouse 202-225-5816, (509) 713-7374

Transcript for phone:
Hello, my name is ______, I am a constituent from (town, state, zip code). I am opposed to Steven Mnuchin, nominee for the Treasury Secretary. Thank you.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Act of Resistance: Support Bill to remove Steve Bannon from NSC

Call your representative today to request the support of a bill introduced by Representative Murphy to remove Bannon from the National Security Council, and restore the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff. If you are on Twitter, start following Murphy and retweet the goods @RepStephMurphy.

House Representative Stephanie Murphy, D-Florida, introduced legislation last week that would, “prevent political advisers like Bannon from being assigned to the council or being authorized to attend meetings.” The bill also restores the expectation that the intelligence director and Joint Chiefs chairman be present at all National Security Council meetings. (Go Girrrrrrl!)

A little background, if you don’t already know the gist:
Donald Trump appointed Steve Bannon to a permanent seat on the National Security Council and removed the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff. This is a radical move on several fronts: Bannon has no government, intelligence, or high-level military experience. Bannon was the head of Breitbart News, a fake news media outlet that promotes false conspiracy theories, propaganda, and supports white nationalism.


Directory of US Senate Representatives:
Directory of US House Representatives:

Washington State:
Senator Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441, (509) 353-2507
Senator Patty Murray (202) 224-2621, (509) 624-9515
Representative Dan Newhouse 202-225-5816, (509) 713-7374

Transcript for phone:
Hello, My name is ______, from ________, zip code ________.
Please support legislation introduced by Rep Stephanie Murphy and remove Steve Bannon from the National Security Council.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Act of Resistance: Oppose Neil Gorsuch, Trump pick for Supreme Court

I’ll admit, I’ve gone back and forth on this one – questioning my own motives when faced with propaganda and accusations from the right. And I truly feel that I need to oppose Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court based on his record.
Gorsuch was chosen by Trump to replace Antonin Scalia, the justice who passed away last winter. In nearly every respect, Gorsuch is very much like Scalia, and I do believe that balance in the nation’s highest Supreme Court is desirable.
However, in many respects this is a “stolen” seat. The previous administration, by all rights, should have been allowed to fill the seat. Obama selected Merrick Garland, also a conservative, to fill the seat. However, the Republican party blocked the nomination for a year not because of the candidate, but clearly out of spite.
"This vacancy should not be filled by this lame duck president." – Mitch McConnell, press conference, March 6, 2016
The opposition to Neil Gorsuch is not tit for tat, nor is it because Trump picked him, the opposition to Neil Gorsuch is based on a precedent, set by Republicans over the last year, that the American people have a voice.
"The American people are perfectly capable of having their say on this issue, so let's give them a voice. Let's let the American people decide." – McConnell
You got it McConnell. I'm making my voice heard, as an American. Here are my reasons for opposing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court:

  • Gorsuch supports religious discrimination in employment and health care
  • Gorsuch argues against assisted-suicide laws, and opposes the right of the terminally ill to end their own lives

Gorsuch’s record “clearly shows that he puts his own ideological views above the Constitution and laws. If appointed and confirmed to our nation’s highest bench, he’d seriously endanger civil rights, women’s rights, and workers’ rights.” -Marge Baker, executive vice president of People for the American Way

Contact Information
Directory of US Senate Representatives:
Directory of US House Representatives:

Washington State:
Senator Maria Cantwell (202) 224-3441, (509) 353-2507
Senator Patty Murray (202) 224-2621, (509) 624-9515
(District 4) Representative Dan Newhouse 202-225-5816, (509) 713-7374

Transcript for phone:
Hello, my name is ______, I am a constituent from (town, state, zip code). I am opposed to Neil Gorsuch, nominee for the Supreme Court. Thank you.