
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Key Lime Pie with a Twist

It was a curious week. Winter cut her visit short. The solid snow pack, so sure and certain just a week before, turned to solid ice one morning, slush the next, and a muddy torrent by midweek. Spring came ridiculously early this year. It's been drizzle foggish this week, with the snow steadily melting away and leaving swaths of mud in it's wake. On one hand, this climate event is a total bummer - we all could use more snow days in the Pacific Northwest. On the other hand (because I have two, and my mother always said, 'use it or lose it') I'm ready for spring.

Slush. The word sounds like it should be something fun, like slush puppy or slush fund. Alas, the slushy mess found in all the side roads and driveways is not the fun kind of slush. You could pile it up into a paper cone and pretend it is a slush puppy, but it would taste like mud and leave grit in your teeth.

 No. Those are not slush pies. They are key lime pies with a twist. Lacking a proper segue, I just threw a picture up for no apparent reason. It's my blog, I can do what I want.

Oops, I did it again.
Feeling the heaviness of the fog and grey clouds, I made a pot of vegetarian chili for dinner along with a pan of maple cornbread. It had a bit of heat and a kick to it. For dessert we had key lime pie - something to chill down the tongue, and still leave a tangy kick to excite the tastebuds.

I use the mini graham cracker crusts that come pre-made. These can be found in the baking aisle. For the filling, place all the ingredients into a blender. Blend until very smooth, then heat in a saucepan over medium heat, constantly stirring, for about five minutes. Pour into crusts, and cool in fridge for at least four hours.These taste way better than slush.

1 cup cream of coconut (Coco Lopez is perfect, can be found in the mixed drink aisle)
1 cup cashews
7 oz extra firm tofu
3/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup plus 1 Tbs agave nectar
2 tsp grated lime zest 


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